Generation Cool
To all the grandfathers and grandmothers out there, we want to wish you a . . .
Happy Grandparents Day!
And just because you're grandparents, don't think you are any less cool than you were before you became "grand." In fact, kids often think their grandparents are cooler than their parents. Why? "No" isn't part of your vocabulary. You, like sweet lullabies, bring joy to our little ones, making life much easier on us parents, especially when we need you most, including those times when we revert to being kids ourselves (everyone who has had an adult tantrum, please raise your hands.) You care for our kids when we can't. You're the go-to babysitters, you hold them when we're too exhausted to (really, though, an hour straight is enough, don't let them sucker you into more) and you show your love for them in so many ways. But, please, go easy on the flash photography, already. Thank you for being so grand! Check out these lullaby renditions of some of the most famous grandparents in music today: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr (The Beatles), Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath), Mick Jagger (The Rolling Stones), Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys) and Roger Waters (Pink Floyd).
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