GIVEAWAY: Win a Women Who Rock Prize Package!
We just made your Monday, folks!
We have a one-of-a-kind giveaway to kick off this month to celebrate our Lullaby Renditions of P!nk release, which comes out tomorrow! All you have to do is:
Tell us about a woman in your life who rocks and why!
And you'll be entered to win our Women Who Rock prize package:
Check out this unique prize package that you can only find here: 1 copy of our Lullaby Renditions of P!nk, featuring some of this rocker mom's greatest hits. 1 autographed copy of Women Warriors: History's Greatest Female Fighters by Teena Apeles, a member of the Rockabye Baby team! Women Warriors features women warriors of ancient mythology as well as modern women who grace today's playing fields, screens, comic books and political arenas, from Joan of Arc to Wonder Woman. 1 autographed copy of Girl Director: A How-To Guide for the First-time, Flat-Broke Film and Video Maker by Andrea Richards, a regular blog contributor! Girl Director is an instruction manual, history lesson, scrapbook, and celebration of women and film rolled into one. Even Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth owns a copy: "I wish there were a book like this when I was a teenager. Girl Director is a true reminder of the possibilities." How to enter: Tell us about a woman in your life who rocks and why in the comments below. Enter as often as you'd like with as many different women as you like by February 10 at 8 pm ET to be entered in our random draw to win a Women Who Rock prize package. One (1) winner will be selected. For extra entries, tweet this post, share this post on Facebook and Pin the prizes!
My Grandmother, she’s the most giving, understanding, take no bull woman I know.
There are so many women in my life that ROCK but of course the best is my very own mother. Single mom raising 4 kids and all of us are successful. I am very proud of her.
My mom totally rocks, because she is supporting herself right now, but yet does everything she can to help her family. She is a super strong woman and she rocks!!
Honestly, I have a lot of women in my life that rock. But my own mother, is the most “rock-able” out of all the others that have supported me.
She has always been my best friend, even through my teen years. She has become a “grandmother” to my boyfriends son, and cant wait to hold our baby in her arms.
I hope to be 1/2 the woman she is, not only as a mother but as a friend, coworker, sister and woman in general.
(If I won this, she would definitely be the first to listen to it with me!)
Good luck to all the other amazing women out there!!!
My Gram is pretty awesome! She’s raised 5 kids and now has 6 great-granddaughters whom she loves so much. She speaks her mind, doesnt put up with s**t and her stories are crazy! She’s one heck of a lady <3
Stephanie Williams
One of the many women who rock in my life is my best friend Dawn. She suffered a stroke just 1 week after delivering a healthy baby girl. Through all of her rehabilitation, she never gave up & we are so greatfull that she is here with us, healthy & happy!
My mom rocks….. Like a whole lot :) she is hands down the strongest women I’ve ever met and is honestly my best friend
My mom also rocks! She is going through a lot right now. She has really stepped up and has become a stronger person.
Stephanie Williams
My mom rocks because she is always there for me, supports me emotionally and builds me up when I’m down, worries about me when the roads are bad or when she hears I’m sad, helps me when I need it and would do anything for me. I could go on and on…. she really is the best mom!
My bff also rocks! She’s been through alot but has come out strong and on top. She has three awesome littles, works, babysit before work and does it all awesomely. She is a great, supportive, caring and helpful best friend too!
Stephanie Williams
My daughter Stef. She, her hubsand and their daughter have been great support for me in a much needed time. With guidance and moral support. Not to mention lots of lovings from my granddaughter.
My ,mum rocks. She came here at 21 a new bride across the world from her family and made us all an amazing life here. She is my hero and rock star.
I would like to say my sister rocks
she has gone thru so much in her life and is only 21, she is my rock and my hero
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