Library Love and DIY Bookmaking
When you really think about it, public libraries are about the most amazing thing ever. Not only will they find almost any book in the world you want, they will let you take it home, free of charge. Ditto on films, TV shows, and even music. Plus, it’s a nice place to sit and read.
I’ve long been a library lover, but having kids led me to feel even more grateful for this too-often-taken-for-granted institution. Because along with all the great stuff for adults, there are free kids’ activities galore: story times, puppet shows, crafting demos. At our local branch, here in Silver Lake, wee-sized authors can even make their first books!
My daughter discovered this little gem the other day and spent a solid hour working on her literary masterpiece. As far as setups go, it’s pretty simple with some blank, homemade accordion books (with cardboard covers), markers, crayons, tape, cutout illustrations and a stapler, which was my daughter’s favorite tool. Apparently, a kid patron, whose letter is on display, presented the idea of a DIY-bookmaking space at the library and they went hog wild for it.
Watching my daughter have so much fun making her first “book” took me back to my own zine-making days and made me tear up with pride. What a great way to inspire art-making and a love of books—thanks, thoughtful people of our local library!
And speaking of great artists, who wants a Bowie CD?
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