Sh*t My Kid Says
Yeah, kids say the craziest things...some good crazy, some funny crazy and some you just have to really scratch your head over.
We searched the Twittersphere for the best #sh*tmykidsays and picked our favorites.
"bouncy castle is pretty funny, and so is the moon and bananas."
Mia: "Daddy how are moons circles and sometimes bananas?
"I'm not crazy I just have issues."
"I may be a treehugger, but I'm no hippie."
My 7 year old: "If they take your liver out of your body you'll die. That's why they call it a liver.
"I think my brain is telling me I have to pee."
"I like to think of my insides as a bouncy castle - everything is all mushy."
"If I fall asleep, wake me up! 'Cause I'm not tired!"
What kind of sh*t does your kid say?
Post in the comments below! Ready for more adult sh*t? Read "What Sh*t My Dad Says."
Mama, I want boob.
First-Time Mommy
“You look ugly today, Mommy!!” . . . thaaaanks.
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