Stevie Nicks on Dreams
Just like it’s not news that I love George Harrison, it’s not news that I love Stevie Nicks (in fact, I sang Edge Of Seventeen last night at karaoke haha). Today just so happens to be her birthday so I would just like to say
Happy Birthday, Stevie!
I had the privilege of seeing Fleetwood Mac not once but TWICE this year. I bought tickets to see them and I also won a pair! NUTS. One of the most important moments of the first show was one I wasn’t totally anticipating. Stevie took a moment to tell a story about how she’d visited a place called The Velvet Underground in San Francisco where she’d been told Janis Joplin had shopped. Standing on a hand-painted floor of the tiny shop, she had a premonition of her days of going to school and being a waitress ending and the days of bigger and better things coming. She said: In that moment, I felt like I was the one having a premonition of better things to come. It was Stevie/Stacie inception. Which, I’m into. From there they went right into Gypsy and the song holds a lot more meaning for me now as you can imagine. My favorite moment from the second show was sneaking to the front row of the lower section. Watching Silver Springs that close up was a dream come true. In honor of Stevie today, let us nap Lullaby Renditions of Fleetwood Mac is out now! Buy or stream now!
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