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Article: Why Mondays Don’t Suck Giveaway


Why Mondays Don’t Suck Giveaway

whymondays My dear friend Anne used to describe what she called the "Oh Sh*t Feeling" she'd always experience on Sunday. Why? Because the dreaded day that came next: Monday. I've caught that feeling, too, now that I'm working a regular 9-to-5 job and Monday means baby goes to daycare and thus starts the week when she is spending more waking hours with caregivers than her parents. Yup, it's tough. So I try to keep things positive, which led to the challenge: Why Mondays Don't Suck. Here's what I came up with so far: 1) There are six federal holidays that land on a Monday. Though I'm not certain I get all of them off. 2) For the dudes during fall, Monday Night Football. 3) The return of fresh seafood! 4) Babies are being born every day.

Can you help me and everyone else who dreads today, Monday, come up with reasons to look forward to it?

Post your reasons below by Friday, Sept. 27, 8 PT and you'll be entered into our random giveaway to win our Starter Bundle to help make the start of your week ROCK!

Our Starter Bundle

INCLUDES Rockabye Baby! Digital Download Card in Gift Package

Rockabye Baby Holiday Greeting Cards

Rockabye Baby Temporary Tattoos

Rockabye Baby Stickers

Check out our other special bundles below:

Alternative Parenting Bundle

Father Four Pack

Godfathers of Rock Gift Set

Mama's Starter Set

The Best for the Best

The Motherload


I get to see my sweet baby Benjamin’s face which makes every day, even Mondays, perfect.

Kristin B

Mondays are good because my kids love to ride the school bus to school.


Mondays rock because:
1. I am home with a sick boy and we are having fun
2. You get to see your co workers again
3. Can set new goals – like a reset button!
4. You’re the most rested of the week.

Ashley Farris

Mondays let you start the week over with a clean slate.


Mondays don’t suck Mondays are like mini New Years… With mini resolutions. They’re so much easier to stick to! Plus mon = my in French. So it’s my day and I’m making it EPIC.


Mondays don’t suck because it is Girls Night at my house! Daddy watches the babies, while Mama & her girlfriends watch trash TV and eat chocolate! Wahooooooo Monday!

Rachel Nash

Monday Night Football for the ladies, too! So happy it’s fall, it makes everyday a little better :)


It was already said, but, football, seriously.


Another chance to turn a week into an awesome one!

Valarie Dominguez

Mondays don’t suck because it’s the beginning of the week. You only have three day weekends with Mondays. Love monday night football. Traffic isn’t bad on Mondays.

marissa Oswald

Mondays don’t suck for me because I get yo spend it with my 4 mo son…I’m off work!!now that it’s starting to cool down ( I live in Arizona) we finally get to spend time outside.

kimberly cole

Mondays don’t suck because they are my Sunday _

It’s also Mommy & ‘Baby’ day where the two of us get to spend the day together without Daddy.

Laura Chabot

Mondays don’t suck because my daughter gets to come to work with me! My mother-in-law and I usually make it into a half day and go find something for the three of us to go do so we say we always get 3-day weekends. Nothing better :)

Candace Gillespie

I work retail, Monday’s are my Saturdays!


If you have school aged kids, they go back to school…and you get a little bit of a break…or you can go grocery shopping alone, or minus 1 or a couple kids!

Cecelia Williams

Because Friday and the weekend that follows wouldn’t be as special or appreciated if there weren’t Mondays.


Mondays rock because no matter how hard my 12 hr day at work was, or how dirty and sweaty I got, my baby girl will greet me at the door with the biggest smile. That smile melts away any bad mojo that may have followed me home. Mondays rock. (And the rest of the days aren’t so bad either)

Penny Maylen

Mondays dont suck for me because I never work on monday. My hubby and i tag team work and stay at home parent so our little one never needs daycare or a sitter. So monday is my full day to hang with my 2 yo girlie girl. We make smoothies, dance, practice preschool, color, go shopping (love target), do hair, make popcorn the old fashioned way, enjoy our Hawaiian life (beach), or just catch up on pbs kids and the view!

nicole betts

Mondays don’t suck because I’m woken up by my little bug as he climbs in to bed to cuddle and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while he drinks milk and i coffee. :)

Christa Butler

I get to stay home with my 6 week old baby boy!

kylee Tipton

Sunday night is the only night I get time to relax, so I spend it sitting in our new nursery listening to rockabye renditions of Coldplay with our first child to be. Waking up Monday morning in brilliant a mood with calming songs in my head.

Darren Hooley

Cause I actually have a job and I can pay my bills!

Karen Freeman

Monday night dinner is the best!!

Robert Payne

Mondays don’t suck because it is another day to live your life to the fullest and be a shining example to others.

Shauna Martin

Monday won’t suck next week because it’s the day before October, my nieces due date and we all want an October birth date…like Tuesday, October 1st….you know the day after fabulous monday

Olivia Rubin

Mondays are awesome! First day back at school and my boy loves going to school.

Vivian Sun

Mondays don’t suck because if you’ve made it to Monday, it means you didn’t die over the weekend.

Tita Barbara

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