Music in Our Schools Month: Easy DIY Egg Shaker
Happy March, everyone! You know what that means? It's Music in Our School's Month!
Around the country this month, schools will be celebrating and raising awareness of the benefits of music education. If you're big music fans like we are, we're sure you agree just how vital music classes in our schools are.
So in honor of Music in Our School's Month, we're doing our own part to spread awareness of the importance of music for our little ones with fun and simple DIY instruments this week.
Up first is one noisemaker that’s a great starter instrument for the little rocker in your life. So lets get shakin’ with some percussion!
How to Make an Egg Shaker
What You'll Need:
Plastic, Hollow Eggs
We used rice, lentils and quinoa
Hot or Super Glue
- Open your plastic egg.
- Fill the bottom half of the egg almost to the rim with your material of choice: rice, beans or lentils.
- Using a hot glue gun or super glue, line the ridge of the egg and place the other half of the egg over the glued section and wipe away excess glue.
- Let glue dry completely and decorate as you wish!
- Now it’s time to SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE!
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