Rockabye Baby’s Movie Night: Almost Famous
Almost Famous is one of my top three favorite movies of all time, sandwiched right between Gone With the Wind and Little Women (yeah, I have a thing for the Civil War era, don't judge!).
The film follows 15-year-old William, an aspiring rock journalist, who is assigned by Rolling Stone magazine (who have no idea how young he is) to profile the rising rock group Stillwater. The band invites William to join them (and their devoted "Band Aides") out on the road, to trek across America on their 1973 "Almost Famous" tour. As William becomes more involved with the band members and the people in their world (namely Miss Penny Lane), he slowly turns from a bystander to a participant in Stillwater's roller coaster ride through the '70s rock scene.
Throughout the years, Almost Famous has been like an older sister to me; a mentor who can share a story or two about life's disorienting curveballs and paralyzing heartaches, then show you exactly where to find hope in the wreckage. (Plus this "older sister" of mine loves the same music I do, so that's rad.) So, if ever I feel like I'm losing my footing in life, I pop this movie in and let it balance me out. I usually come away remembering, yeah, life can be an a**hole sometimes and being idealistic in this crazy world isn't always easy, but with the right people beside you for the ride (no matter how bumpy it gets), it's possible. I understand that more and more the further down the road I go . . . and the more I watch this movie, hah. So sit back, relax and let this beloved favorite film of mine enfold you. I can almost promise that when it's over, you're going to have an urge to climb onto a roof and roar "I'M A GOLDEN GOD!" into the sky. Resist if you can - I usually can't. ***BONUS: Billy Crudup's character Russell Hammond has a George Harrison look going on throughout the film. And we all know how I feel about George. And we haven't forgotten about the babes, either! They can have an Almost Famous night, too, with these lullaby renditions of bands featured on the soundtrack:"Your aura is purple! PURPLE!"
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