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Article: Signs That You’re a Hipster Parent


Signs That You’re a Hipster Parent


  Rockabye Baby HQ is based in Silver Lake, which is essentially Williamsburg West, or, in short, hipster central. So we know a thing or two what it means to be “with it” — we’re surrounded by cool parents — which is how we came up with this handy list of signs that you’re a hipster parent. Take a look and see how you score on the hipster parent scale.


  • You live in Silver Lake or Williamsburg.
  • You gave your kid an unconventional name, or if you did give your kid a common name, you spelled it unconventionally.
  • You drive a Prius.
  • “Organic” is your unspoken middle name.
  • You, dear fathers, sport a biblical beard or well-groomed mustache.
  • This is where you shop in order of preference: farmers’ markets, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods.
  • You Ergo.
  • You’re a mother who breastfeeds proudly in public — with no cover.
  • Your kids wear Toms and so did you, before they became trendy. (Now you prefer moccasins.)
  • You still have a vinyl collection.
  • You or your spouse are or were in a band, filmmaker(s), writer(s) — possibly even all of the above.
  • Your or your partner/spouse or both of you have tattoos you don’t regret.
  • Your or your partner/spouse or both of you have piercings you don’t regret.
  • For your kid, clothing is optional.
  • You own at least 3 Rockabye Baby CDs!
If you checked up to 4, you’re definitely a hipster parent-in-training. Don’t worry, you can still change your son’s name and grow that beard. If you checked up to 8, congratulations you’re absolutely a hipster parent! You can teach the people above a thing or two about being in the know! If you checked 11 or more, you’re a whole different level. Perhaps hipster royalty — the equivalent of Brangelina. Perhaps a more fitting comparison would be “Mikeranda.” (If you get who we’re referring to, give yourself 4 free checks as you just moved up a level. ;)

How did you score?

If we missed any signs, post below!

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