What to Do With Those Pouch Caps
1. DIY Cat Toys!
Okay, good idea, Cricket, but that just means more for me to clean up. So, with all those caps piling up - and it becoming increasingly clear that I'm no crafty mom - it's time to surrender to someone else's creativity. Big thanks to Ms. Rockabye for finding some cool pouch cap crafts for us.
2. Play Dough Car Wheels via Valerie at Inner Child Fun
Here's an ingenious way to use the pouch caps — as wheels!
3. Colorful jewelry via Domesticspace
If making jewelry is more your kid's style, the pouch caps are wonderful as large "beads" for necklaces, bracelets or even pins.
4. Funny Creatures via Lalymom
Numerous creative moms have also used the caps in combo with pipe cleaners to make adorable littles pets or into favorite, familiar characters.
5. Magnets! Via Kim Edwards' Pinterest
And what kid doesn't love playing with magnets. Pick up some strips, glue them onto the cap and ta-da, instant colorful magnets!
6. Colorful Tic-Tac-Toe
And the fun doesn't end with magnets. Our own in-house artist, Jennifer, came up with this brilliant idea of using the caps as playing pieces.
Do you have a creative way to use pouch caps?
Tell us about it, or even show us, and you might be featured in a future post.
My kid is obsessed with putting things in stacks or containers, so we use these and old laundry soap caps, milk bottle caps for her to “stack” or we sometimes just throw them in a tupperware container with a lid and she will shake it around like a maraca! I’m not crafty, that’s about all I’ve got!
Great idea, Jomama. My daughter screams with glee at those piles, too! I never thought of saving the other caps. I will now.
First-Time Mommy
Whilst I do have a large collection of these caps for work, I like to recycle our used ones for our reusable food pouches (www.mylilpouch.com)
My younger kids also like stacking them up as high as they can go, then smashing it down in fits of giggles! Small things <3
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